

Calendari 2023-2024
Normes Organització
Política Qualitat
Informació Matrícula 24/25
Calendari Preinscripció i Matrícula 24/25
Sol.licitud Preinscripció Matrícula 24/25
Catering Sense Lactosa
Catering Triturats

Abous us

What makes us different as a school is that we have an ISO 9001 and we work for corners and projects.


Abous us

All educators interact with the group of students enrolled in the school.

This means that when we work all we are in charge of a specific corner or project and that all children spend all week for each one of them.

This makes it a richer and more motivating learning for both educators and children, as they prepare the activities for all levels.

"What is learned from the root is never completely forgotten" Seneca



Abous us

The Montessori method is to give protagonism to the child in the teaching-learning process from obrebation, manipulation and experimentation.



Through the songs, we prepare a series of adapted music sessions so that children learn to play, taking into account the importance of music for children as a means of expression.



Children should experiment, manipulate with paintings, work with mixtures, observe and develop creative capacity ... Taking advantage of human resources, such as space and school materials.

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Experimentation and handling activities are primary activities for children to learn in a meaningful and direct way, starting in logical-mathematical thinking, since children perform actions such as: classify, compare, etc.

Establishing relationships between the material and the instruments.

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Boosting and working psychomotricity in small children is key to the motivational, cognitive, communicative and affective development of the child.


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With this new section at school, we provide children with a series of materials such as the lamp table, the box with different lamps and the shadows that are created in the school in order to experience through the most direct observation .


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Taking advantage of the calmer mice and from this natural element, we open up a range of possibilities for children to experience.

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In this space, the maturational development of each child is respected and the adequate food is individualized in a relaxed and family-friendly space.

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At the school we work together with the AFA, and we also allow families to participate in specific activities on Fridays afternoon.

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The treasure chest is a proposal for the appropriate manipulation and exploration game for babies that offers a wide variety of stimuli and experiences in five senses.


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Childhood massage is a non-verbal language that allows you to transmit affection and tenderness, and at the same time that the baby is a physical and emotional well-being.

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Playing the discovery, the children discover actions freely and autonomously and, in addition, develop the habit of collecting the material and adjusting it and helping them in the structuring of language and thought.

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Emotions are important and we need to work in school. Education affects the development of students, as it encourages their motivation, predisposes to more positive attitudes, improves their relationships and achieves better results.

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The work of the ecological garden and the care of Pepa hen at school is the best way to offer our students an environmental education, based on the care, respect and defense of nature.

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Starting from popular and traditional stories and creating an environment and a suitable space, we enter into a lot of stories, characters, values where children can learn in a magical way.


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A fundamental part of learning is to become aware of self and self. This activity helps the children to experience the movement of free form and to be in contact with themselves from the concentration and the coordination.



Abous us

In this first stage of the Little ones, the babies have the first contact with the school and begin to take self-consciousness,

They hold with support, hold objects with both hands, smile to the known people, they are interested in the things that surround it, they emit sounds to attract attention,

They cry and protest against the absence of the people around him and they are close to him. etc. In the school we respect the moment of maturity of the child and we accompany him in his first learning.



In this second stage of the media, children begin to walk alone, point out the main parts of the body, begin to get together with other children, recognize the different family spaces, imitate known actions and respond to their name.

From the school we offer a whole range of activities so that children can explore and experience in a nearby environment.



In the last year of school, children are becoming more autonomous in their habits and begin to control sphincters, understand simple orders, identify images, stay in groups, show curiosity about things,

They use isolated words with connectors, imitate simple strokes, etc. At this stage from the school we give protagonism to the child in the process of teaching-learning from the beginnings, manipulation and experimentation.

Social Network


Mestre Ramon Vives, s/n - Rosselló


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