Política de Calidad

Escola Bressol Municipal PAS A PAS QUALITY POLICY
THE MAIN OBJECTIVE of all the members of the team that make up the center is to offer personalized services that meet the needs and expectations of our client and our users.

– Encourage the continuous exchange of information with families in order to promote the continuous adaptation of our services to users.
– Meet the current legislation.
– To have an organization capable of guaranteeing the fulfillment of its organizational and service responsibilities through the good integration of educators in the work dynamics of the center.
– Maintain and increase the level of knowledge and training of educators to be able to offer an efficient and operational service.
– Commit to continually improving the effectiveness and meeting the requirements of the Quality Management System for the home to be a quality, stimulating and rich space that provides the educational guidelines that allow a progressive discovery and growth of the child , at the same time that makes possible the relationship between other children and adults, at all times attending the diversity.
– Periodically update the Quality Policy, to respond to the possible modifications and needs of the company and to maintain the control and analysis of these.

Approved: 10.04.2012
Revised: 02.27.2017